Symbol for virgo


Aug 23 - Sep 22The VirginEarthMercury

Virgo is the practical and analytical perfectionist of the zodiac. They possess a keen eye for detail and excel in organizing and problem-solving. Virgos are reliable friends and are always willing to lend a helping hand.




Exotic ideas might grab your attention at any moment! While the inquisitive Moon rumbles with edgy Uranus and extravagant Jupiter in your adventurous 9th house, throwing yourself into a wild story could be an appealing way to escape the boredom of your everyday life. This is especially true if you've been feeling walled in by routines and responsibilities that you can't avoid. To get grounded in a good way, look for something you do have control over, even if it seems small.

Your Week In Love

It's time to cultivate high hopes in matters of the heart, no matter what is currently going on in your love life! A delicious New Moon in Taurus connects to both Venus and Uranus in your 8th House of Intimacy. As a result, you've got the strongest ability to manifest your deepest, most tender desires for romance -- as long as you ensure you believe it is possible, deep in your core. In fact, you must have a solid sense of certainty about all of the romantic blessings and abundance that are meant to be yours. They should not pass you by!

Your Next 30 Days

You might be focused on expanding your horizons early in the month. There are many ways to accomplish this, but you may have your thoughts centered around travel or academic opportunities -- especially near the New Moon on May 7. It's time to plan any vacations abroad you've wanted to take or enroll in an advanced degree or certification program that you know will boost your brainpower.

Rapid romantic opportunities might come your way near the Venus-Uranus conjunction on May 18. The person who approaches you could be the last person on the planet you'd expect to be interested. You'll be intrigued! That said, your attention is tugged toward domestic matters near the Full Moon on May 23 in your family sector. This could bring emotional news from a relative asking for aid. They may need some support relocating -- or maybe you're the one who's moving out.

The headline news for May, however, occurs on May 25, when extravagant Jupiter enters your career sector for the first time in twelve years. You can look forward to major professional advancement between now and next May. Whether you're hunting your dream promotion or launching a business, success is achievable.

Key Themes: education, travel, home, family, real estate, career, promotions, business, achievements

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